February 5, 2023
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 58:7-10 1 Cor 2:1-5 Mt 5:13-16
GROW: It’s amazing how one interaction can brighten an otherwise gloomy day. I love a nice sunrise on a wintry morning or a crackling fire on an autumn night. But whatever the weather, nothing quite lights up my day like a shared laugh with a friend, a snippet of real conversation with my teen son, or a hot cup of coffee delivered by my husband. In today’s reading, Jesus continues the Sermon on the Mount, telling the disciples: “Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” We, too, can be light for others – through good deeds large and small, ordinary and extraordinary. As we go about our days, we can ask the Lord to show us how to serve others. We will have days when we don’t feel up to the task but, like St. Paul, we can ask the Holy Spirit to light the way.
GO: In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus used images that resonate with us as much as they did with his followers 2,000 years ago: salt and light. Salt serves many purposes, preserving our food and giving it flavor, for example. And of course we cannot live without light. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples: “You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world.” Like the disciples we, too, can be salt and light for others by giving witness to our faith. What that involves will be different for each of us. For ideas, we can turn to today’s reading from Isaiah, which calls us to share our bread, shelter the oppressed and clothe the naked. In doing so, our light “shall break forth like the dawn.”
We all know people we’d call “the salt of the earth.” Who are those people in your life? Make a list of the characteristics they exhibit or actions they take that you can learn from and try to imitate. Ask God for the grace to see and do likewise for his glory.