Congratulations on the birth of your child! As you prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism, please know of our prayers for you as you rejoice at the birth of your child. Our parish offers baptismal preparation classes so that we can walk through the various logistics of the baptismal ceremony so that you will be prepared for the celebration we are eager to have with you.
Through the Sacrament of Baptism, God makes us His own adopted children. This is a great gift. But with this gift comes great responsibility: to live and act as His sons and daughters. This, clearly, is no small task.
This task is entrusted to you, that you will train your child in the practice of the faith. On the day of your child's baptism, some wondrous, solemn, and serious words will be spoken to you. Part of the purpose of the baptismal preparation class is to help clarify what these words truly mean. If you are baptizing your first child please contact the parish office to schedule a baptism class before you schedule the baptism.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
Rev. Matt Jasniewicz
Arrangements should be made two months in advance.
A Baptism Preparation Session is required of all first-time parents.
Please call the Parish Office (973) 694-3400 to make arrangements.
Step 2: To help the baptized person to lead a Catholic Christian life in keeping with baptism and to fulfill faithfully the obligations inherent in it (Canon 872).
Step 3: Canon 874, §1, 2º) aA Catholic who is at least 16 years old (nd has received the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist and who leads an active life of faith.
Step 4: If the godparent is married, the marriage must be valid and recognized as a marriage in the Catholic Church. (Canon 874, §1, 3°)
Step 6: Only with a Catholic godparent can a baptized, non-Catholic person serves as a Christian Witness of the Baptism (Canon 874, §2).
Step 7: A godparent who is not a parishioner at Immaculate Conception Church must have their home parish provide a letter confirming active participation.